Technical Core

100% open data on-chain

When you run a node on DeByte, you can always access the full content. Users have countless information sources to choose from, not limited by media companies, and each information source also has its own area of focus.

100% open-source

All code and data are 100% open. Unlike the closed-source code walls on traditional social media, DeByte welcomes everyone to build and develop on its ecosystem. focus.

No data fence

Each user's profile is stored on-chain and fully controlled by the user's private key, making your identity portable across all applications in the DeByte ecosystem.

Privacy Guarantee

All profiles, all posts and comments, all private user messages are encrypted end-to-end.

Decentralized cloud storage

By organizing and using global edge storage nodes as the underlying storage structure of social network, each user's data, content, likes and comments are directly stored in the DeByte decentralized cloud storage network.

social token

DeByte has designed a new monetization tool for creators, the "Creator Token", which is automatically generated when creating a user profile.

Concept Application

Short video NFT generation, the only intellectual property

DeByte builds a decentralized social network based on blockchain technology, organizes global edge storage nodes as the underlying architecture, supports large-scale data storage and indexing, and can better handle complex social media data, such as short video release, short video NFT generation , like, buy, recommend and other functions.

Debyte launched a video social product representing the WEB 3.0 lifestyle, including SOCIAL-FI and GAME-FI elements, based on blockchain technology

Product display

Wave Gallery

Wave Gallery is an online gallery based on oriental elements and encrypted elements incubated by the CryptoC community. It mainly serves oriental artists and new-generation collectors, and is committed to bringing oriental cultural elements to the world.

The trend was born on the eve of the era of encryption art, based on the East and looking at the world.